I've decided to come up with a list of things that I miss/remember from my childhood. 
How many of them do y'all remember???
*sigh* If only I could go back to childhood, 
even for one day.
Dunk-A-Balls cereal! I posted about them on FB and I guess I am the only one who remembers them (except one person). This cereal is still one of my favorites.

My Buddy (doll on left). I remember when my (older) sister used to be scared of it. She swore that the head moved by itself...she probably still would tell you it did.

Sega Genesis. You couldn't tell us NOTHIN! We thought we was doin it big, lol. Any true 80's baby will remember this right here. *blowing into video game cartridge* *puts in SONIC*

LA GEARS! You couldn't tell us we wasn't sharp with our LA Gear sneakers on! LMBO! Walkin all extra hard so they can light up! We used to think it was so futuristic!  Come to think of it, so of the LA Gears aint look half bad. I would rock these ones so hard:

Yup...I surely would. 

Yes sir...they still sell these in some areas, but my childhood would NOT have been  the same without Dunkaroos (I know that sounded sooo fat).

My Brother and Me (TV Show)
*sipping on Goo Juice* Every Sunday evening I looked forward to sitting approximately 3 inches away from the TV to watch My Brother and Me. I still watch some episodes on Youtube every now and then. That was my fav show (along with Salute your Shorts, Round House, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Land of the Lost, Wild & Crazy Kids). Speaking of old school Nickelodeon...ONE word comes to mind...
...that is all.

Of course, you still could purchase it at Walmart, but this has def a 90's game....that AND Twister.

Etch A Sketch
*going to Toys R Us tomorrow*

Stretch Armstrong
I stretched the mess outta this toy...the jelly was leakin out and er'thang!

One of the weirdest toys ever. The wand was a magnet and the 'hair' was magnetic and you can arrange the hair any way you want on the head/face. I got a old pic of me holding up this...maybe I'll can/upload it...(or maybe not).

Last but not least....
I remember learning the Macarena at school....no..like for real...in class...by the teacher. *sigh*
If you don't know how to do the Macarena, click here to get your life.

...for the heck of it....lol.....

Posted by CalvinEF


...any thoughts and opinions posted in these blogs are the thoughts and opinions of Calvin Ef and are not subject to change.